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printed text
Allen J. Bard, Author ; Larry R. Faulkner ; Robert Rosset, Translator ; Denise Bauer, Translator | PARIS : Masson | 1983printed text
printed text
printed text
Didier Dacunha-Castelle, Author ; Marie Duflo | PARIS : Masson | Mathématiques Appliquées pour la Maîtrise | 1983printed text
printed text
E.f. Bertaut, Author ; R. Fruchart ; VII Conf. Int. Compo (1982/06/21-25; Grenoble) | PARIS : Masson | 1982printed text
Didier Dacunha-Castelle, Author ; Marie Duflo | PARIS : Masson | Mathématiques Appliquées pour la Maîtrise | 1982printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text