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Library items with class number PHT (1107)
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printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
M. Jacob, Editor ; C. Dewitt, Editor ; LES HOUCHES - école (1965; LES HOUCHES) | New York NY : Gordon & Breach | Les Houches | 1965printed text
A.a. Abrikosov, Author ; L.p. Gor'kov ; Dzyaloshinskii ; D. Ter Haar, Editor | Oxford : Pergamon Press | International Series of Monographs in Natural Philosophy | 1965printed text
A. R. Hibbs ; R.p. Feynman, Author | New York NY : McGraw-Hill | International Series in Pure and Applied Physics | 1965printed text
printed text
L.d. Landau, Author ; E.m. Lifshitz, Author ; J.b. Sykes, Translator ; J.s. Bell, Translator | Oxford : Pergamon Press | Course of Theoretical Physics | 1965printed text
John Gamble Kirkwood, Author ; F.h. Stillinger Jr., Editor | New York NY : Gordon and Breach Science Publishers | Documents on Modern Physics | 1965printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text