How to find a document?
Use the blue frame 'Search' and choose the simple search or the advanced search. Following the search, you can find your book or a list of books, as well as the availability of these (available, not to borrow, return date = borrowed). By clicking on 'More information', you can read information about the shelf mark (among others) which indicate its location in the shelves.
Books are arranged according to an internal classification (see ‘Introduction – Books classification’). Each book has a shelf mark, written on a colored sticker; they are divised in 2 categories: books for loan and not for loan (black sticker). To help you to find a book, you can see the colored sign boards at the beginning of the shelves.
- Books series
- New books
- Interlibrary loan
From the library website, click on the blue frame ‘A to Z journals’. You have two solutions to find your journals: - direct access by multidisciplinary portals (BibCnrs or Beluga) or - by alphabetical lists (not fully exhaustive) of titles in physics, chemistry, materials and so on...
In the alphabetical lists, links have been created to simplify access to electronic versions; be careful of the written dates that indicate you the open period for the access to full-text articles.
The 2 last columns indicate if we have the paper version, as well as the shelf mark (Per…), to note in order to find your journal.
- Online access
* Beluga: Grenoble Alpes University portal (access by Agalan ID). When you click on the link in the table, a connexion window will open, then enter your Agalan ID and continue your search.
There is also a tool to simplify the use of Beluga: Foxified for Mozilla Firefox. Foxified allows you, in a few clicks, to access full-text articles without clicking on the whole Beluga website.
* BibCnrs: CNRS portal (access by personal identifiers Janus). When you click on the link in the table, a connexion window will open, then click on the blue bar 'via le gestionnaire d'identité Janus', enter your Janus password and continue your search.
See also the tutorial:
- "How to be recognized on whatever the site visited via the Click & Read add-ons for Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari?" [link]
Warning! Some electronic journals are accessible only by one platform (for example: access to 'Nature' journals only exists through BibCnrs; journals of publishers APS, AIP, IEEE, ACS... are only accessible through Beluga).
To know how to obtain Beluga and BibCnrs personal identifiers, go to FAQ.
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- Journal papers location
To remind: journals can't be borrowed.
- Document request
Access to different databases is possible from the library website when you click on the blue frame ‘Digital resources’. The main useful databases are: Web of Science (WoS), Chemical Abstracts...
When you click on one of the databases, you will be asked to identify yourself (using nomad access: Janus or Agalan).
To remind: databases, more precise than ’Google Scholar’ (for example), do not necessarily provide full-texts articles but are used to find references on a specific subject, or articles written by an author and so on...
- Techniques de l’Ingénieur (TI) (articles in French)
'TI' is a specific collection, which deal with scientific and technical articles such as: Nanotechnology, Physics/Chemistry, Mathematics for the engineer, Plastics and composites, Electronics, Physico-chemical constants…
‘TI’ is available in paper version until 2009-2010. Collections are stored in a closed wardrobe.
'TI' is also available in electronic version via Beluga.