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Frederick Seitz, Editor ; David Turnbull, Editor | New York NY : Academic Press | Solid State Physics | 1963printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
L.d. Landau, Author ; E.m. Lifshitz ; E. Peierls, Translator ; R.F. Peierls, Translator | Oxford : Pergamon Press | Course of Theoretical Physics | 1959printed text
L.d. Landau, Author ; E.m. Lifshitz, Author ; E. Peierls, Translator ; R.F. Peierls, Translator | Oxford : Pergamon Press | Course of Theoretical Physics | 1959printed text
printed text
Frederick Seitz, Editor ; David Turnbull, Editor | New York NY : Academic Press | Solid State Physics | 1956