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E.k.h. Salje, Editor ; A.s. Alexandrov, Editor ; W.y. Liang, Editor | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press | 1995printed text
printed text
Charles P. Poole, Author ; Horacio A. Farach ; Richard J. Creswick | 1995printed text
D. R. Tilley, Author ; John Tilley | Bristol : Institute of Physics | Graduate Student Series in Physics | 1994printed text
printed text
J. Etourneau, Editor ; Jerry B. Torrance, Editor ; H. Yamauchi, Editor | Gournay sur Marne : I.I.T.T. International | Technology Transfer Series | 1993printed text
printed text
printed text
Nicole Bontemps, Editor ; Yvan Bruynseraede, Editor ; Guy Deutscher, Editor ; Aharon Kapitulnik, Editor | Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers | NATO ASI Series. Series C : Mathematical and Physical Sciences | 1993printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
Jack M. Williams, Author ; R.j. Thorn ; K.d. Carlson ; U. Geiser ; H.h. Wang ; A.m. Kini ; M.h. Whangbo | Englewood NJ : Prentice-Hall | Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry Series | 1992printed text