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printed text
printed text
Donald C. Reynolds, Author ; Thomas C. Collins | 1981printed text
printed text
Heinz Bilz, Author ; W. Kress | Berlin : Springer-Verlag | Springer Series in Solid State Sciences | 1979printed text
E.h. Grant, Author ; R.j. Sheppard ; G.p. South | Oxford : Clarendon Press | Monographs on Physical Biochemistry | 1978printed text
printed text
O.v. Rudenko, Author ; S.i. Soluyan | New York NY : Consultants Bureau | Studies in Soviet Science | 1977printed text
R.w. Ditchburn, Author | 1976printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
printed text
J.g. Kirkwood, Author ; I. Oppenheim, Editor ; R.h. Cole | New York NY : Gordon & Breach | Documents on Modern Physics | 1965printed text