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Joost Frenken, Editor ; Irene Groot, Editor | Cham : Springer | Springer Series in Chemical Physics | 2017printed text
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printed text
Geoffrey C. Bond, Author ; Catherine Louis ; David T. Thompson | London : Imperial College Press | Catalytic Science Series | 2006printed text
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Stéphane Andrieu, Author ; Pierre Muller | Les Ulis : EDP Sciences/CNRS Editions | Savoirs Actuels | 2005printed text
David J. Wales, Author | Cambridge : Cambridge University Press | Cambridge Molecular Science | 2003printed text
Tsun-Kong Sham, Editor | Singapore : World Scientific | Advanced Series in Physical Chemistry | 2002printed text
J.o'm. Bockris, Author ; B.e. Conway ; Ralph E. White | New York NY : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | 2001printed text
Hiroyuki Ohshima, Editor ; Kunio Furusawa | New York NY : Marcel Dekker | Surfactant Science Series | 1998