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printed text
printed text
Vladimir Dobrosavljevic, Editor ; Nandini Trivedi, Editor ; James M. Valles Jr., Editor | Oxford : Oxford University Press | 2012printed text
Frank P. Incropera, Author ; David P. Dewitt ; Theodore L. Bergman ; Adrienne S. Lavine | New York NY : John Wiley & Sons | 2007printed text
printed text
printed text
Thomas Dittrich, Author ; Peter Hanggi ; G.l. Ingold ; Bernhard Kramer ; Gerd Schon | Weinheim : Wiley/VCH | 1998printed text
printed text
Claire Schlenker, Author ; Jean Dumas ; Martha Greenblatt | New York NY : Plenum Press | NATO ASI Series. Series B : Physics | 1996printed text
C. Deportes, Author ; M. Duclot ; P. Fabry | Grenoble : Presses universitaires de Grenoble | Collection Grenoble Sciences | 1994printed text
printed text
N Tsuda, Author ; K Nasu, Author ; A Yanase, Author ; K Siratori, Author | BERLIN : SPRINGER VERLAG | Springer Series in Solid State Sciences | 1991printed text
M. Pollak, Author ; B.i. Shklovskii | Amsterdam : North-Holland | Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences | 1991printed text
B.l. Altshuler, Editor ; P.a. Lee, Editor ; R.a. Webb, Editor | Amsterdam : North-Holland | Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences | 1991printed text
B.l. Altshuler, Editor ; P.a. Lee, Editor ; R.a. Webb, Editor | Amsterdam : North-Holland | Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences | 1991